Expedition Log


Gulf of California 2015, Leg 5 – Volcanoes and Seamounts – Log 2

Exploring a mid-ocean-ridge rhyolite dome Ryan Portner writes: Today we dove on the Alarcón Rise mid-ocean ridge. With few exceptions, mid-ocean ridges typically lie very deep beneath the sea surface. They are a locus of active volcanoes, hydrothermal vents and chimneys, and an abundance of life. Mid-ocean ridges occur where two tectonic plates move away …

Expedition Log


Gulf of California 2015, Leg 5 – Volcanoes and Seamounts – Log 1

A full day’s dive in volcano of Alarcón Seamounts Jenny Paduan writes: The R/V Western Flyer departed last evening from Pichilingue Harbor near La Paz, Mexico. The weather was clear and warm and the sea was smooth as glass. We steamed through the night and arrived in time to do a full day’s ROV dive on the …

Expedition Log


Gulf of California 2015, Leg 4 – Seafloor Biology- Log 5

A Glimpse into a Mysterious, Oxygen-limited World As a Ph.D. student in biological oceanography at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography at the University of California, San Diego, I was thrilled to be invited by chief scientist Jim Barry to take part in the MBARI Gulf of California 2015 Expedition. For my thesis, I am working …

Expedition Log


Gulf of California 2015, Leg 4 – Seafloor Biology – Log 4

Diving in the Canyon off Cabo Pulmo We are off Cabo Pulmo, a Mexican national park with the most northerly tropical coral reef in the world. Cabo Pulmo was originally colonized by pearl divers. “Pulmo” refers to the breath-holding by the divers—pulmo is a Latin root for lung. Pearl divers were replaced with fishermen, who fished …

Expedition Log


Gulf of California 2015, Leg 4 – Seafloor Biology – Log 3

A Tour of the R/V Western Flyer Mariah Salisbury writes: Unlike a terrestrial vehicle, which you can just fuel up and drive, it takes a lot more for the Western Flyer to get underway. Lance Wardle, who is sailing as chief engineer on this leg of the cruise, tells me it’s more like running a self-contained city …

Expedition Log


Gulf of California 2015, Leg 4 – Seafloor Biology – Log 2

Murky Conditions in the Salsipuedes Basin ROV dives in the Salsipuedes Basin can be rewarding, yet challenging–no real surprise since Salsipuedes translates to “escape if you can”. The channel is known for its very strong tidal currents, due to the shape of the Gulf. Unimodal seiches commonly occur in the Gulf—it sounds technical, but just …

Expedition Log


Gulf of California 2015, Leg 4 – Seafloor Biology – Log 1

Observing the Seafloor Community We steamed for a day to arrive at Isla Tortuga—a small, rugged, and beautiful little island near the middle of the Gulf. Fortunately, the weather has been great, and everyone aboard seems to be feeling fine and in good spirits. A principal goal for the expedition is to increase our understanding …

Expedition Log


Gulf of California 2015, Leg 3 – Biodiversity and Biooptics – Log 9

Cruise Highlights We are now even closer to La Paz and are heading down to 1,600 meters with the ROV for one last look in the deep waters of the Gulf of California. The divers have dried their gear and packed it away as there will be no blue-water dive today due to time constraints. …

Expedition Log


Gulf of California 2015, Leg 3 – Biodiversity and Biooptics – Log 8

More deep-sea fauna Rebeca Gasca writes: This is a new, exciting opportunity to work with colleagues at MBARI and other institutions, all interested in exploring the peculiar and poorly-known fauna dwelling in the water column but especially in deep waters. The ROV Doc Ricketts is collecting valuable biological samples and enabling us to discover fauna that can’t …

Expedition Log


Gulf of California 2015, Leg 3 – Biodiversity and Biooptics – Log 7

Hyperiid Amphipods and Ctenophores Bill Browne writes: I am investigating the genetic patterns underlying animal diversity. To me, the two most interesting groups of midwater animals in the Gulf of California are the hyperiid amphipods (bug-like crustaceans) and ctenophores (comb jellies). Why hyperiids? Many midwater organisms have unusual eyes. Hyperiid amphipods have a particularly impressive …

Expedition Log


Gulf of California 2015, Leg 3 – Biodiversity and Biooptics – Log 6

Bioluminescent Organisms Darrin Schultz writes: I work in Steve Haddock’s lab where I study bioluminescent organisms, animals that make their own light, much like fireflies. On our leg of the Gulf of California expedition, we have seen and documented many luminous creatures, including jellyfish, shrimp, fish, comb jellies, worms, tiny crustaceans, and even “glowing dolphins” …

Expedition Log


Gulf of California 2015, Leg 3 – Biodiversity and Biooptics – Log 5

Diving for Jellies in Mexico Wyatt Patry writes: At the Monterey Bay Aquarium we collaborate closely with our sister institution, MBARI in many diverse ways. As a Senior Aquarist my primary goals are to find new jellies to display and develop innovative ways to share them with our guests. I jump at every chance to …

Expedition Log


Gulf of California 2015, Seafloor Mapping – Log 1

Dave Caress writes: We had hoped to achieve five surveys over the seven-day leg. The planned sites are far apart so we were going to lose a lot of time to transits. After having the AUV snagged on derelict fishing gear for two days, we achieved three surveys, all with high-quality data.

Expedition Log


Gulf of California 2015, Leg 3 – Biodiversity and Biooptics – Log 4

Siphonophore Evolution and Development Cat Munro writes: I am a second year graduate student in Casey Dunn’s lab at Brown University, and this is my third cruise aboard the Western Flyer. I’m interested in siphonophore evolution and development. Siphonophores are long rope-shaped animals that are relatives of corals and jellyfish. Siphonophore larvae bud off new “bodies” (also …

Expedition Log


Gulf of California 2015, Leg 3 – Biodiversity and Biooptics – Log 3

Larvaceans, Jellies, and other Animals George Matsumoto writes: My primary research interests are split between larvaceans and jellies. On the basis of MBARI’s 2003 Gulf of California expedition where we found thick layers of giant larvaceans at a depth of 15 meters, I have been hoping to investigate the fluid flow patterns within the inner …

Expedition Log


Gulf of California 2015, Leg 3 – Biodiversity and Biooptics – Log 2

Exploring Farallon Basin For today’s ROV dive we took a second look at Farallon Basin. Diving in the same location for two consecutive days gives us a chance to conduct night operations (such as trawling) and the opportunity to see how the water column changes day by day. From our dive video it would have …

Expedition Log


Gulf of California 2015, Leg 3 – Biodiversity and Biooptics – Log 1

Research Goals for the Biodiversity and Biooptics Leg The R/V Western Flyer set sail on Saturday, March 7th, at 7:00 a.m. the third leg of the MBARI 2015 Gulf of California Expedition. Led by Steve Haddock, MBARI researchers and collaborators onboard during this leg specialize in molecular studies of “gelatinous zooplankton”—jellyfish-like siphonophores and ctenophores that can dominate …

Expedition Log


Gulf of California 2015, Leg 2 – Midwater Ecology – Log 8

Wrapping Up a Productive Cruise Today we completed our leg of the Gulf of California expedition with a half-day ROV dive close to the port where the Western Flyer docks near La Paz. It was an incredibly productive cruise with ROV Doc Ricketts dives every day, MiniROV dives most days, midwater trawls most nights, and even a few nights …

Expedition Log


Gulf of California 2015, Leg 2 – Midwater Ecology – Log 7

Food Web Ecology As we near the end of the midwater ecology leg, scientists onboard are beginning to piece together a unique collection of observations and data gathered from ROV dives and midwater trawls. A synthesis of these observations will provide us with new insights regarding how deep-water animals of the Gulf of California interact …