The Seafloor Mapping Database (SMDB) provides access within MBARI to our entire mapping data archive, including recently-collected and in-progress Seafloor Mapping AUV and Low-Altitude Survey System data. It is a relational database with geographic capability, a geo-spatially enabled web query interface on our internal website, load scripts for mining data from our servers, and eventually, user interfaces for testing and manually adding data. The entire software stack is open source and will eventually be provided as part of the open source MB-System software package. Finalized mapping data sets are being submitted to the Marine Geoscience Data System, where they are issued Digital Object Identifiers (DOIs) and are in the public domain.

Mapping AUV track lines displayed over a basemap in the SMDB can be identified by mousing over them and clicking, presenting the user with a thumbnail of the map and access to more information about the survey.

Access to the SMDB is reserved for MBARI employees and collaborators. Finalized raw and processed MBARI Mapping AUV data and GIS products are archived and freely available through the Marine Geoscience Data System. The entire software stack is open source and will eventually be provided as part of the open source MB-System software package.

Seafloor Mapping Lab and Technology Development 
     * internal MBARI / MBARI collaborator access only

Our AUV mapping data are being archived at the Marine Geoscience Data System (MGDS).
