2018 EARTH Workshop Featured Image

The 2018 EARTH Workshop was held June 24-29, 2018 at the Hatfield Marine Science Center in Newport, Oregon. Is was co-hosted by MBARIOregon State University, NSF Regional Class Research Vessel (RCRV), and the Oregon Coast STEM Hub


June 25 - 29, 2018


Hatfield Marine Science Center
Newport, OR


Lesson Plans

Can You Build Your Shipwright Featured Image

Can You Build Your Shipwright?

Students will explore a variety of research equipment used to determine the biochemical and geophysical activities of our oceans, then design a blueprint of a research vessel.

Data, Or It Didn’t Happen Featured Image

Data, or it Didn’t Happen

This lesson is aimed at helping students improve their skills with claims, evidence, and reasoning. Students will watch an introduction video, read and explore information on the topic, then answer prompts based on data.

Hatch A Tag Featured Image

Hatch a Tag

Students will discuss what data they would want to get from animals in the wild. They will work as groups to design a tag, and how to attach it to an animal.

Intro To ROVs Featured Image

Intro to ROVs

This is an introductory lesson to familiarize students with how ROVs are built and why ROVs are used.

Marine Mammal Stranding featured image

Marine Mammal Strandings

Using marine mammal stranding data, students will create a model to document the location of strandings on the Oregon coast.

Ocean Acidification; Investigating Data Featured Image

Ocean Acidification; Investigating Data

Students will explore recent and live data from buoys and oceanographic research vessels to explore the effects of both natural and anthropogenic factors on oceanic pH.

Stranded…How You Can Help! Featured Image

Stranded…How You Can Help!

Students will learn what marine mammal stranding is, how to read and interpret data to determine where and why strandings are occurring, and create a PSA to raise awareness about proper response to strandings.

2018 EARTH Group Photo
EARTH 2018 participants at Hatfield Marine Science Center



Chris Romsos

Datapresence Systems Engineer (RCRV)
OSU College of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences


Charlotte Whitefield


PresentationOcean Acidification: Implications and influences on Pacific Northwest crab fisheries

Dataset exploration:

PresentationOcean Acidification: Implications and influences on Pacific Northwest crab fisheries

Dataset exploration:
