Established in 2004, CeNCOOS is one of 11 regional associations of the US Integrated Ocean Observing System (IOOS). Housed within the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s (NOAA) National Ocean Service (NOS), IOOS represents coastal ocean observing interests for 17 federal agencies. We rely upon regionally and nationally as a trusted source of data, information, and regional ocean expertise.

Focus Areas:

  • Predicting weather and climate variability and change
  • Preparedness and risk reduction for coastal communities
  • Health ecosystems and water quality
  • Safe and efficient transportation and commerce

Core Capabilities

  • Fit-for-purpose data and information products: Adding value to observations and other data to inform decision-making
  • Observations: Utilizing high-frequency radars, shore stations and moorings, autonomous vehicles, animal telemetry, ships, imaging, ‘omics, and acoustics to span broad time and space domains
  • Data integration and discovery: Delivering data and information, including data from other sources, per FAIR data principle enabling access, analysis, and synthesis
  • Modeling past, present, and future conditions: Assimilating observations into models for emergency response, dynamic management, and ecosystem analysis and forecasts
  • Scientific and technical expertise: Identifying and meeting the regional needs for ocean information, including through early adoption of new technology