Year Published

Displaying 2801-2832 of 2,832 Publications


Orange, D.L. 1990. Criteria helpful in recognizing shear-zone and diapiric mélanges: Examples from the Hoh accretionary complex, Olympic Peninsula, Washington. Geological Society of America Bulletin, 102: 935–951.

Packard, D., and Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute. 1990. MBARI: 20.

Robison, B.H. 1990. Concept evaluation for a research submarine: 16.

Robison, B.H., and K.F. Wishner. 1990. Biological research needs for submersible access to the greatest ocean depths. Marine Technology Society Journal, 24: 34–37.

Rosenfeld, L.K. 1990. Baroclinic semidiurnal tidal currents over the continental shelf off northern California. Journal of Geophysical Research, 95: 22153–22172.

Thomsen, H.A., K.R. Buck, S.L. Coale, D.L. Garrison, and M.M. Gowing (1990). Loricate choanoflagellates (Acanthoecidae, Choanoflagellida) from the Weddell Sea, Antarctica. Zoologica Scripta, 19: 367–387.

Wright, H. 1990. Design of a multi-media network. TC Interface: 10–16.


Barber, R.T., and J.E. Kogelschatz. 1989. Nutrients and productivity during the 1982/83 El Niño. Global ecological consequences of the 1982-83 El Niño-Southern Oscillation, 52: 3–29.

Chavez, F.P. 1989. Size distribution of phytoplankton in the central and eastern tropical Pacific. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 3: 27–35.

Chavez, F.P., R.T. Barber, and M.P. Sanderson. 1989. The potential primary production of the Peruvian upwelling ecosystem, 1953-1984. The Peruvian upwelling ecosystem: Dynamics and interactions: 50–63.

Codispoti, L.A. 1989. Phosphorus vs. nitrogen limitation of new and export production. Productivity of the ocean: Present and past: 377–394.

Codispoti, L.A., R.T. Barber, and G.E. Friederich. 1989. Do nitrogen transformations in the poleward undercurrent off Peru and Chile have a globally significant influence? Poleward flows along eastern ocean boundaries, 34: 281–310.

Gritton, B.R., D. Badal, D.L. Davis, K. Lashkari, G. Morris, A. Pearce, and H. Wright. 1989. Data management at MBARI. Oceans '89: 1681–1685.

Herbert, T.D., W.B. Curry, J.A. Barron, L.A. Codispoti, R. Gersonde, R.S. Keir, A.C. Mix, B. Mycke, H. Schrader, R. Stein, and H.R. Thierstein. 1989. Group report: Geological reconstructions of marine productivity. Productivity of the ocean: Present and past: 409–428.

Johnson, K.S., C.M. Sakamoto-Arnold, and C.L. Beehler. 1989. Continuous determination of nitrate concentrations in situ. Deep-Sea Research, 36: 1407–1413.

Murray, J.W., H.W. Jannasch, S. Honjo, R.F. Anderson, W.S. Reeburgh, Z. Top, G.E. Friederich, L.A. Codispoti, and E. Izdar. 1989. Unexpected changes in the oxic/anoxic interface in the Black Sea. Nature, 338: 411–413.

Pilskaln, C.H., A.C. Neumann, and J.M. Bane. 1989. Periplatform carbonate flux in the northern Bahamas. Deep-Sea Research, 36: 1391–1406.

Robison, B.H. 1989. Depth occurrence and partial chemical composition of a giant squid, Architeuthis, off southern California. The Veliger, 32: 39–42.

Rosenfeld, L.K., R.L. Molinari, and K.D. Leaman. 1989. Observed and modeled annual cycle of transport in the Straits of Florida and east of Abaco Island, the Bahamas (26.5°N). Journal of Geophysical Research, 94: 4867–4878.

Spinrad, R.W., H. Glover, B.B. Ward, L.A. Codispoti, and G. Kullenberg. 1989. Suspended particle and bacterial maxima in Peruvian coastal waters during a cold water anomaly. Deep-Sea Research, 36: 715–733.

Widder, E.A., S.A. Bernstein, D.F. Bracher, J.F. Case, K.R. Reisenbichler, J.J. Torres, and B.H. Robison. 1989. Bioluminescence in the Monterey Submarine Canyon: Image analysis of video recordings from a midwater submersible. Marine Biology, 100: 541–551.


Codispoti, L.A., G.E. Friederich, T.T. Packard, and R.T. Barber. 1988. Remotely driven thermocline oscillations and denitrification in the eastern south Pacific: The potential for high denitrification rates during weak coastal upwelling. The Science of the Total Environment, 75: 301–318.

Eppley, R.W., and U.S. Global Ocean Flux Study. 1988. Pacific planning report: Report of the U.S. GOFS 3rd Pacific Planning Meeting, February 1988, Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute, Pacific Grove, California. U.S. GOFS planning report, no. 9: 192.

Hanson Jr., A.K., C.M. Sakamoto-Arnold, D.L. Huizenga, and D.R. Kester. 1988. Copper complexation in Sargasso Sea and Gulf Stream warm-core ring waters. Marine Chemistry, 23: 181–203.

Johnson, K.S., J.J. Childress, R.R. Hessler, C.M. Sakamoto-Arnold, and C.L. Beehler. 1988. Chemical and biological interactions in the Rose Garden hydrothermal vent field, Galapagos spreading center. Deep-Sea Research, 35: 1723–1744.

Johnson, K.S., P.M. Stout, W.M. Berelson, and C.M. Sakamoto-Arnold. 1988. Cobalt and copper distributions in the waters of Santa Monica Basin, California. Nature, 332: 527–530.

Matsumoto, G.I. 1988. A new species of lobate ctenophore, Leucothea pulchra sp. nov., from the California Bight. Journal of Plankton Research, 10: 301–311.

Matsumoto, G.I., and W.M. Hamner. 1988. Modes of water manipulation by the lobate ctenophore Leucothea sp. Marine Biology, 97: 551–558.

National Science Foundation, Geological Survey (U.S.), and Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute. 1988. 5th Workshop on Climate Variability of the Eastern North Pacific and Western North America, 20–24 March 1988, Pacific Grove, California.


Chavez, F.P. 1987. Ocean variability and phytoplankton community structure. Botany: 300.

Chavez, F.P., and R.T. Barber. 1987. An estimate of new production in the equatorial Pacific. Deep-Sea Research, 34: 1229–1243.

Cyronak, T., Andersson, A.J., D'Angelo, S., Bresnahan, P.J., Davidson, C., Finlay, A., Kindeberg, T., Pennise, J., Takeshita, Y., White, M. (In Press). Spatial and temporal carbonate chemistry variability in two contrasting seagrass meadows: Implications for ocean acidification buffering capacities. Estuaries and Coasts : .