Function pH_nbs2sws(S, T_C, pH_NBS) ' This code was adapted from the work of others: ' CO2SYS.exe was originally written by Ernie Lewis and Doug Wallace. ' It was converted to Matlab by Richard E. Zeebe & Dieter A. Wolf-Gladrow. ' Parts were extracted and modified by Rachel M. Dunk. ' ' I am indebted to all of them for their initial development of this code. ' ' CONVERT pH (ON NBS SCALE) TO pH on SEAWATER SCALE ' aH = 10^(-pH_NBS) = fH*H_SWS ' fH = activity coefficient of H+ ion & includes liquid junction effects ' The fit used in CO2SYS is valid for salinity 20-40 (from Takahashi et al, ' Chapter 3 in GEOSECS Pacific Expedition,v.3, 1982, p. 80). ' For future ref, CO2SYS assumes fH is independent of P ' Convert T to degree K T = T_C + 273.15 ' Convert pH to H+ concentration aH = 10 ^ -pH_NBS fH = 1.2948 - .002036 * T fH = fH + (.0004607 - 1.475E-06 * T) * S^2 H = aH / fH ' On NBS scale, aH is in mol/dm3_H2O, whereas H_SWS is in mol/kg_SW ' to convert units we need the density of SW at given S,T ' Call DENSITY.bas (author=ETP), calculates rho(S,T,P=1atm) in g/cm3 ' NOTE: in this function T is in deg C ' Equation of State is from Millero & Poisson (1981) DSR V28: 625-629. rho_SW = DENSITY(S, T_C) pH_nbs2sws = -log(H / rho_SW) / log(10) End Function